Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Miracles of the envelope

We live in a very consumer-oriented time. If you want to shop you have thousands and thousands of online-shops to choose from and can dress complete, furniture your home and buy even food without leaving your living room. I´m not such a hardcore online shopper but i like to buy books from They have nearly everything you ever want and deliver quite fast. And there is the amazon marketplace where you can buy books for 0,5 € - great!!! However the post service this is always an antventure and i tell you why. Last time i ordered a very specific book at amazon and it whas shipped from the UK. No problem so far. But when i retrieved my packet fom my mail-box i saw that the envelope was open. Someone had opened my envelope and then delivered it to me - book still in there. That made my imagination make loopings. Was the packed suspicious so the police or the post security opened it to check on it? Or - and this is the idea i liked most - a bored employeĆ© of the post office opened my envelope to nick my books. But oh how was this little thief dissapointed when he/she got the book out. Was the youngster thinking there was a bestseller in it? Whatever he or she expected it wasn´t an polical history book by C. R. Pennell: Morocco from empire to independence. HAHAHA what a dissapointment to you! I hope it was likethis  but it´s more likely that the security just checked books fom UK in case of rated stuff.
My latest book has been "primary colours" and it should arrive this day or tomorow. It has been at the bestseller list of the new york times for nine weeks and was published in the 90´s (1996) and is a detailed portrait of the electing system in the USA and how politicans manipulate and use dirty tactics in order to win an election. I saw it first at the bookshelf of my parents but at this time i was too young to be interested in politis and thriller and more into crime stories by Agatha Christie. When i hade read it i will for shure write a short comment on this books story even if it´s not up to date.

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