Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Books on sale

http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrhwq0kV451r1kncso1_500.jpg - Michelle Williams by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue US October 2011
Reading is a great thing to do in your free-time. and i love reading and i am always searching new authors and titles i could read. Most of them i found on amazon.com and buy them second hand but a few times last year i was not so satisfied with the lecture and now i want to clear out my book shelves and sell some of those unfortunate ones. To make it clear, this is no garbage, most of them are praised highly like Alan Bradley with "the swetness of the bottom of the pie". I just don´t like to read the story or the type of writing second time and that is what matters for me. I love reading a novel twice or more, some books i read periodical tree times a year. And if i don´t like it the first time then it´s time to say goodbye. So i visited some sites who rebuy used books. I wanted to sell 7 books which i bought over the years for a price of about 48 € (more or less). And now guess what these bandids! offered me for those books in best condition? Yep, 9,42 at www.buchankauf-online.de and 8,50 at buchankauf24.de.! Rebuy.com was worst with about 6,80 €. How does it come that the written word once it comes out of the shop looses so much value? I can understand that a car depreciates because the engine and the whole mechanical parts abrade a little every time ou move arround. But books? They just stand in your shelf and unless you smoke they do not change much nor the content. I can´t understand this and i think i probably try my luck at ebay or one day do a garage sale with dishes i heritaged from my granny but don´t use and my old VCR plus a dubious collection of old videos.

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