I found the heroes of my childhood and now i can see what they are like today. Started with this little articel at http://www.ontheredcarpet.com/photos/90s-TV-stars:-Where-Are-They-Now-/8008096 for the english speaking ones. I loved to see new pics of Claire Danes - i loved her in Romeo&Juliet and watched this film about a thousand times. And i had partly forgotten how cute Neil Patrick Harrislooked as a little kid. But my all time favorite as a teenage girl was Buffy- the Lara Croft of the teenies. I wanted to be as tough as she and i had a crush at Angel like her. It´s kind of funny that the writer and director of Buffy - Joss whedon- is responsible for this summers must-be blockbuster "the Avengers" i cna´t wait to see this movie because i love these superheroe stories. Watching every prequel from Iron Man to Captain America this is supposed to be perfect entertainment.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=Sarah%20Michelle%20Gellar&tag=commercialrea-20&index=aps&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 |
In 2011, the actress returns to television full time with the CW series 'The Ringer.' She plays Bridget, a recovering addict who goes on the run after witnessing a murder.
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